Oh, lovely snood I bought! Thou hast saved my poor, ridiculous hair many a time since you arrivest in the mail-eth!
It was cheap, I can’t say I particularly liked the look of it on eBay, but it’s proven to be a pincurl lifesaver and decently durable (I’ve only fallen asleep in the blasted thing three times). It’s brown and a soft, silky rayon that doesn’t get caught in my stupid hair.
I had to take the pic real quick with my old phone, because (for some ungodly reason) SOMEONE (me) forgot to plugin my new Samsung, which doesn’t take brilliant photos but they’re a lot more lifelike than the old V3 RAZR.
I need to get some fancy ones, something with double loops for clips, pins and flowers but for now I’m overly happy for the price of a cup of coffee!
BTW, I’ll be chatting about this lipstick in a post with hopefully a more lifelike pic – it’s Spiced Apple from Clinique and the color is dreamy!
Why does this camera not magically eliminate my beard like it does with the color of my skin? Oh, bother.

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