New Year’s Sparkle! I’m in the process of getting all gussied up for a New Year’s Eve celebration tonight, nothing fancy, just friends and music. Food, of course! I don’t drink, so I can get glammed up without worrying about my precious frocks!
I’m trying to get this blog a-moving, since it’s a new domain and I’ve left the old content to rot for so long. I thought a good way to reintroduce myself to the vintage blogging scene might be with sparklies. Who doesn’t love sparklies?
I’ve got to wade through my el-cheapo, vaguely retro jewelry options for tonight. It’s hard to see (awful lighting) but the bracelet strands sport gems that are black, deep red and and a lovely sort of mix between lavender and cherry – I’m sure there’s a word for it, but I can’t seem to find it in my useless melon this morning.
I think I’ll go with the black, matches these adorably gaudy late-30s-esque black spiral starburst earrings. Can’t wait to snap a photo of my outfit – happy new year!

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